News, Reflections and Ideas
This is a fortnightly feature of this website that is the companion to our latest book “The Experts and the Evidence: A Practical Guide to Stock Investing”. The purpose of this feature is to bring investment content to our community that is topical, makes you think about your approach to investment and offers fresh evidence on a whole range of ideas. Any thoughts on content and/or style will be warmly received – we are, after all, a learning community and the more we reflect and debate the better.
Kevin Keasey and Charlie Cai
Complexity and Ignorance - 1 October 2022
We look at two issues that intertwine – the issue of ignorance and how we deal with it and its consequences; and the issue of complexity. The more complexity we have, the more difficult is decision making and we often develop complex solutions in organisations to help individuals deal with decisions but all we do is make matters worse. We also discuss the complexity discount and look at some fun facts about the simple slogans of complex organizations.
Rare Events - 7 Sepetember 2022
While we talk about exceptional, rare events because they are interesting, the exceptional is then seen as the norm because this is all that is talked about – the distribution of our talking points is the exceptional and these form our benchmarks for comparison. This form of comparison is dangerous in all walks of life (just consider the problems being caused by youngsters making comparisons on social media) and it is no different in the financial world.
The Topsy Turvy World - 16 August 2022
We are facing a summer of discontent with many workers striking for better pay and conditions. Some of the press are arguing that it is irresponsible of the unions to be striking (look at the invective being thrown at the RMT over the rail strikes) but we take a very different view here. The attempt of the workforce to fight against further serious dents in their living conditions is a natural response to 15 years of upside-down financial policies that have benefited the wealthy and have cost the working man and poor quite a lot.
Retirement and Retention- 9 June 2022
We had intended to write another blog focused on micro issues but something about the large number of staff vacancies, reading stories about Broken Britain (nothing works) and the impending summer of discontent got us thinking about the causes, consequences and possible solutions of/to labour shortages. We reflect on retirement and retention in this blog and finished off by testing the relevance of companies' employee welfare in investment.
Power of Stories- 9 June 2022
In the previous blogs we have looked at big, macro issues and how these might feed through into stock markets and investment decisions. In this blog we take a very different angle and move from the macro to the micro. While the economic and financial press tends to focus on broad brush trends (e.g. the cost of living crisis), the trends we see are the result of billions of individual responses to economic, financial and social ‘events’. How we respond as individuals en masse, eventually drives the ‘macro’ trend. At any one point in time, individuals can respond in many different ways and the macro trend is, therefore, difficult to predict – we really do have fundamental uncertainty as to how situations will pan out.
Productivity and your investment - 26 May 2022
In the last couple of blogs we have looked at the changing nature of the world economy and inflation. In this blog we look at the important issue of productivity – the lack of productivity is plaguing the UK and is intertwined with the two previous topics. In the idea section, we demonstrate the importance of taking productivity into consideration in formulating investment strategies. Especially, productivity can be a value-enhancing signal.
How to protect your investment from inflation? - 12 May 2022
In our latest blog, we reflect on the difference between the current inflation environment we live through and that in the 1970s in the UK. We show that while stock investment can be a useful hedge against inflation a simple inflation timing strategy conditional on inflation regimes that we defined can work well with Gold.
High profit-margin as a protection of your investment for all weathers - 28 Apr 2022
In our first blog, we reflect on the power of staying put during this uncertain and changing environment. In the idea section, we explore the use of historical profit margin as a measure of resilience to economic uncertainty. We show that high industry adjusted profit margin stocks in general outperformance.