Professor Charlie Cai is a Professor of Finance at the University of Liverpool. Charlie dedicates his research efforts to a wide range of finance topics, including asset pricing, investment and financial technology. Through his research, Charlie has developed finance skills that are rooted in fundamental values. These, combined with his strong quantitative analytical skills, enable him to provide consultancy and sponsored research in finance and investment, both in the UK and internationally. He is innovative in providing database-driven analytical solutions for quantitative trading strategies.
Professor Kevin Keasey is Director of the Institute of Banking and Investment at The University of Leeds. Kevin has published extensively on finance, accounting and governance topics and he is one of only four UK academics to be ranked both in the top 1% for the past 50 years of global accounting and finance research output. He has most recently (2013) co-edited the definitive ‘Oxford Handbook of Corporate Governance’. As well as establishing, leading and building highly successful academic units (the Accounting and Finance division at Leeds was ranked number 1 by all of the major league university tables in 2016/17), Kevin has substantial and extensive experience as an entrepreneur, corporate director (including FTSE companies) and a mentor to senior executives in both the private and public sectors.